You can customize the icons by setting a font-size, color and text shadows, just like regular text.In JS, PHP and other programming languages, you can use it as text in strings. In your CSS, you can use it as the value of the content property. Paste it in your HTML as regular text.Here is what you need to do to use these icons: This is why we've provided an HTML escape code, which will always work. But if the encoding used to save your HTML/CSS files is not UTF-8 they might not show up.

The icons given in the tables below, are regular characters, which you can copy and paste as if they are letters of text. Tip: There is a good article which explains everything you need to know about character encodings and unicode, which we recommend for every software developer to read. You can use them in your web designs today! In this article, we've collected a number of symbols that are available across Windows, Linux, OS X, Android and iOS. It is up to the browser to render them, and it uses the fonts which are installed on the system to do so. This doesn't mean that you have a choice of a hundred thousand icons, though. It is called Unicode, and it is a standard which assigns a unique identifier for an ever expanding number (currently over 110 000) of characters, symbols and icons. Romain is a member of the Google Developer Expert (GDE) program and has been working on Google Apps Script and Google APIs for more than 10 years.Ever needed to add an icon to your design, but you didn't want to include images or an entire icon font like Font Awesome into your page? We've got good news for you - there is a vast library of available icons and glyphs already in your browser. He created Awesome Gapps, the company maintaining those products, but he is not involved in it anymore. Romain is also the creator of Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM), Awesome Table & Form Publisher. Insert Icons was created by Romain Vialard, Scriptit. Publigo: Create PDFs and documents from Google Sheet rows & Google Form submissions. Copy, transfer, inspect folders (with subfolders & files). Mergo: Send 2000+ personalized emails / day with Gmail. You may also want to try our other add-ons: Insert Icons also exists for Google Docs and Google Sheets! Once you selected an icon and added it in your slide, right-click and select "Format options" to drop a shadow, add a reflexion and much more. 900+ icons from Google Material Design.

You can choose any color you want and the icons are imported in your slides with a transparent background.Ī very simple way to choose the perfect icons to illustrate your presentation.įor now, 2 icon set are available via this add-on, for a total of more than 1800 icons: Browse 1800+ free icons from Font Awesome & Google Material Design directly in Google Slides.