30 Honour Oriental flavour Objective: Build at least one Date plantation.While sailing to the Island up North, we can start working on the next quest. If you want to succeed against Cardinal Lucius, you are going to need some powerful Allies. Seek him out and tell him about the Cardinal's machinations!

Help from on high Objective: Request an audience with the ailing Emperor in Earlbury.Īccording to Al Zahir's most recent information, the ailing Sovereign is currently spending time on an Island in the North. Grand Vizier Al Zahir suggests that you accommodate the refugees from Edenisle in one of his Bedouin settlements and that you then leave for the Emperor's sickbed. Marie d'Artois asks you to inform the Emperor and returns home to face Cardinal Lucius. Marie d'Artois's subject Phillipe Lamour arrives and tells you with great trepidation that Cardinal Lucius is preparing for a retaliatory strike at the homeland. Grand Vizier Al Zahir has traveled deep into the Oriental territorial waters and is now convinced they are safe from Cardinal Lucius.

So it was no surprise to anyone when, a few days later, alarming news reached the Grand vizier's Court and the world teetered on the brink of disaster." Lord Northburgh was still assumed lost and, in the absence of the Emperor, Lucius posed a deadly threat. The Grand vizier's Palace was like paradise, yet the peace was deceiving. Al Zahir received the fugitives with open arms. The Anno series is my favorite series of all time and I would hate to see it die.Introduction "A combined effort enabled them to evade Lucius's forces. I love Ubisoft games but I know that these issues are pushing a lot of people away from them. That means they should still be supporting it. They are still selling this game, and making money off of it. Ubisoft needs to release a patch that will allow this game to take full advantage of a systems RAM. This game uses more memory than any game I have every played. The problem, I believe, is that the game is designed for a 32 bit system and as such can only utilize 2GB or memory. This usually works pretty well but is an unacceptable fix in my opinion. What helped was turning the graphics to medium or low and creating a MASSIVE page file (50GB) with equal minimum and maximum values to force the system to create a set file size. Ubisoft is at fault here, I love this game and have been playing it for a couple years now and had to work around all these issues when I first got it.

From what I understand there is no "fix".